Science Exhibition 2019
It is rightly said "Today's Science is tomorrow's technology". The Don Bosco family worked on these lines to put up an exhibition on 31st July and 1st August, 2019 wherein students showcased working models which can be used for learning various scientific concepts for children of the age group of 8 to 15 years. The objective was not only to inculcate a scientific attitude and research-mindedness but also creating teaching aids. It involves students to participate in activities so as to understand the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of the task. The exhibits spanned all the three branches of Science i.e., Biology, Physics and Chemistry along with Geography and Computer. Students from grades 6 to 9 had participated. There was a separate section for Science and Social studies for students of 3 to 5.

The different exhibits displayed by students from various classes demonstrated a good degree of innovation and was a step towards their all round development. A Science exhibition being an interface of science and society contributes towards creating awareness about science as well as creating enthusiasm in students. Overall the exhibition was appreciated by the entire community including parents, teachers and the students. Moreover, the students along with their parents were allowed to view the exhibits and they were highly appreciative of their magnanimous effort.
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