Principal's Message

Dear Staff, Students and Parents,

St John Bosco the father and founder of Salesian Congregation, is a mystic, confessor and a beacon star of education. The system of education which Don Bosco started is known as Preventive System which is based on three pillars – Reason, Religion and Loving Kindness. It is a unique system to effectively address the complex educational mission. It has become the example and model to entire generations of educators who are striving to bring the young people to a successful and a secure path of spiritual, moral and cultural development and happiness. It focuses the correction of forms of evil, such as moral vices and defects that damage healthy development of intelligence, will power and the supernatural life.

Every educator at Don Bosco institutions is led and guided by this system to bring out the best in the students as he/she carries out his/her curricular as well as co-curricular activities in the school. The sole motive of every educator in our institutions is to form each student into honest citizens of our country and persons of faith. We in Don Bosco School, Behrampur have the same mission.

This mission is possible only if we are led by the heart which is the source of reason, religion and loving kindness. St. John Bosco has aptly said:

“Remember that education is a matter of the heart, of which God teaches us, and puts the keys in our hands. Let us strive to make ourselves loved and we will see the doors of many hearts open with great ease and join with us in singing praises and blessing of Him who wished to make himself our model, our way, our example in everything but especially in the education of the young..”

So, let us strive constantly to put love into all that we do, especially in our intellectual pursuit of imparting knowledge and inculcating values in students entrusted to our care here at Don Bosco School, Behrampore.

The school - website that we have launched is the platform where life and action of the school find its concrete expression and manifestation. As Principal of this institution it is my honour and privilege to welcome you to visit this website and get updated of our life and activities in the school. I also take this opportunity to thank wholeheartedly and place on record the immense contributions made by our former Principal Rev. Fr. KV Mathew, the administrator, Fr. John Maliekal, Fr. Albert Thottunkal, Fr. KK Anthony and others to make this institute a great one. Finally, this website has become a reality only because of our dedicated and committed teachers – who have worked very hard for it. Congratulations to them.

May God Bless you

Yours Sincerely

Fr. Sunit Kishor Kiro

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